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Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems

TDA-IME Project Final Report June, 2013 85 TABLE 14: Ecological mangrove functions, economic goods and services, types of value, and commonly applied valuation methods. Ecological function Economic goods and services Value type Commonly used valuation method(s) * Flood and flow control Flood protection Indirect use RCM and MP Storm buffering / Storm protection Indirect use RCM and PF sediment retention Water quality maintenance / Improved water quality Indirect use CVM Nutrient retention Waste disposal Direct use RCM Commercial fishing and hunting (food) Direct use MP and NFI Habitat and nursery for plant and animal species Recreational fishing and hunting Direct use TCM and CVM Harvesting of natural materials (wood, fodder, food, medicines, etc.) Direct use MP and NFI Energy resources Direct use MP and NFI Biodiversity Appreciation of species existence Non-use CVM Carbon sequestration Reduced global warming Indirect use RCM Natural environment Recreation, tourism Direct use CVM and TCM Existence, bequest, option values Non-use CVM SOURCE: Salem and Mercer (2012). The Economic Value of Mangroves: A Meta-Analysis. Abbreviations represent: market prices (MP), production function method (PFM), travel cost method (TCM), contingent valuation method (CVM), replacement cost method (RCM), and net factor income (NFI). TABLE 15: Quantities of products provided by mangrove forests (per ha per year). Product and units N Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Median Fish, shellfish, molluscs (Kg) * 29 539 748 10 2,500 126 Shrimp (Kg) 22 146 119 6 349 109 Timber (Kg) 3 5,976 6,658 289 13,300 4,340 Timber (m3) 13 6 4 1 13 5 Fuel wood, charcoal (Kg) 6 5,140 11,393 6 28,370 511 Fuel wood, charcoal (m3) 7 102 102 2 230 92 Carbon (Mg)** 34 5.27 15.41 0.02 90.5 1.69 Modified from Salem and Mercer (2012). The data show the number of estimates (N) used to calculate the Mean (± standard deviation) and Median value for each product; the lowest (Min) and highest (Max) estimates are also shown; * Two observations also include shrimp. ** Mg = metric ton (106 g). Country and regional estimates for the annual economic value of goods and services per hectare of mangrove forest were estimated for the South China Sea region by UNEP (2007). The summary results from the UNEP study are shown in Table 17. The data were weighted to eliminate the effect of price variation for a particular product within each country. The results illustrate the great disparity between countries in terms of which mangrove goods and services were most valued, and the per hectare values assigned to them. The estimated total value for mangrove goods and services in the South China Sea region was around USD 5.2 billion per year, with about 50% of this total accounted for by Indonesia.

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems
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