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Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand

• In  regions  with  more  clay-dominated  soils,  irrigated  agriculture  dominates  the  land  uses,  and  includes  rice  paddies and  aquaculture  systems.  These  regions  do  not  have  well  developed  groundwater  systems  and  must  rely  on  surface  water  imports  from  the  large,  regional  river  systems.  • We  estimate  that  in  the  southeastern  coastal  region  of  the  Phetchaburi  province,  that  agricultural  water  use  is  10  times  larger  than  municipal  and  industrial  water  use.  • The  future  climate  change  scenario  shows  warming  and  drying,  but  the  water   sys tems-including  sur face  and  groundwater  storage-exhibited  robustness  and  resilience  to  these  climate  trends,  although  the  climate  scenario  exhibited  an  increase  in  precipitation  towards  the  end  of  the  20-year  period,  and  the  surface  and  groundwater  storages  recovered.  • Future  work  should  explore  longer  simulations  that  carry  the  analysis  towards  the  end  of  the  21st  century,  as the  analysis  does  suggest  that  climatic  shifts  that  move  the  system  into  a  different  climate  regime  could  lead  to  vulnerabilities  of  the  water  system.  Surface  and  groundwater  systems  could need  to  be  managed  in  a  more  holistic- conjunctive  manner.  • Future  research  should  explore  the  potential  vulnerability  of  the  coastal  aquifers  to  sea-level  rise  and  salt-water intrusion.  Field  studies  suggest  that  the  water  table  in  the  coastal  region  is  high  enough  to  counter  salt-water  intrusion,  but  increased  water  demands  or  extended  dry  periods  might  lead  to  lower  water  tables  and  salt  water  intrusion. • Cost-benefit  analysis  with  regards  to  agricultures  use  of  groundwater  could  be  explored. What  are  the  practical  implications  of  this  sector  using  more  groundwater  and  what  the  costs  and  benefits? Would  there  be  a  significant  energy  cost  to  the  greater  use  of  groundwater  in  the  region  (i.e.  the  water- energy-food  nexus  would  be  something  to  explore). • Further  studies  in  the  region  would  benefit  tremendously  by  engaging  local  stakeholders  on  the  issue  they  are  facing.  A  shared  vision  planning  process,  that  included  climate  scientists,  water  resource  specialists,  models,  agricultural  interests,  municipal  and  industrial  water  experts  would  make  the  water  planning  process  more  meaningful. REFERENCES Giorgetta,  M.A.,  E.  Roeckner,  T.  Mauritsen,  B. Stevens,  T.Crueger,  M.  Esch,  S.  Rast,  L.  Kornblueh,  H.  Schmidt,  S.  Kinne,  B.  Möbis,  T.  Krismer,  C.  Reick,  T.  Raddatz  and  V.  Gayler  (2012)  “The  atmospheric  general  circulation  model  ECHAM6-Model  description”. Giorgi,  F.,  and  et  al.  2012,  RegCM4:  Model description  and  preliminary  tests  over  multiple  CORDEX  domains,  Clim  Res, Vol.52,  7-9. Meehl,  G.A.,  1995:  Global  coupled  general  circulation  models.  Bull.  Amer.  Meteor. Soc.,  76,  951-957. Valverde M.C.,  Ernesto Araujo, H.  Campos Velho 2014:  Neural  network  and  fuzzy  logic statistical  downscaling  of  atmospheric circulation-type  specific  weather  pattern for  rainfall  forecasting,  Applied  Soft  Computing,  Vol.22,  681-694. Yates  D,  Sieber  J,  Purkey  D,  Huber-Lee  A  (2005) WEAP21-A  Demand-,  Priority-, and  Preference-driven Water  Planning  Model  Part  1:  Model  Characteristics.  Water  Int  30:  487-500. Proceedings  of  the  International  Conference  on  Climate  Change,  Biodiversity  and  Ecosystem  Services  for  the 253 Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs):  Policy  and  Practice  27-29  June  2016,  Cha-am,  Phetchaburi,  Thailand

Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand
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