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Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand

litter  fall  and  carbon  exchange  under  extreme  climate  variability  in  secondary  Dry  Dipterocarp  Forest  (DDF).  The  aim  of  the  study  is  to  better  understand  the  litter  fall  timing  and  its  relationship  to  carbon  exchange,  and  their  response  to  climate  variability  during  El  Niño  events. II. MATERIALS  AND  METHODS A.  Site  Description The  study  site  was  located  in  King  Mongkut’s  University  of  Technology  Thonburi,  Ratchaburi  campus,  Rang  Bour,  Chombueng  district,  Ratchaburi  province,  western  Thailand  (Latitude:  13º35´  13.3´´  N,  Longitude:  99º30´  3.9´´  E,  elevation  of  118 m).  Total  area  covers  90  ha.  The  average  tree  height  was  6-7  m.  The  dominant  species  are  in  the  Dipterocarpaceae  such  as  Dipterocarpus  obtusifolius,  D.  tuberculatus,  Shorea  obtusa  and  S.  siamensis.  Previously,  this  forest  had  been  exploited  by  nearby  communities  for  timber,  charcoal  or  other  products.  Since  2005,  this  forest  has  been  conserved  and  trees  could  be  regenerating  as  a  secondary  forest. B.  Climate  conditions The  air  temperature  and  rainfall  were  measured  by  Vaisalasenser  (Vaisala  Inc.  Model  HMP45C)  and  tipping  bucket  rain  gauge  (model  TE525,  Cambell  Scientific,  Inc.).  These  were  connected  with  data  logger  (CR1000,  Cambell  Scientific,  Inc.).  Soil  temperature  was  measured  at  a  depth  of  5  cm  with  two  averaging  soil  thermocouple  probes  (TCAV,  Campbell  Scientific,  Inc.,  USA).  Soil  moisture  was  measured  at  the  same  level  with  two  averaging  Soil Water  Content  Reflectometers  (CS615,  Campbell  Scientific,  Inc.).  The moisture  sensor  was  converted  from  volumetric  water  content  to  percent  water-filled  pore  space  (%WFPS)  by  equation; %WFPS  =  (SWC/BD)/(1-(BD/PD)) where  SWC  is  the  soil  water  content,  BD  is  the  bulk  density  (1.42  g  cm-3)  and  PD  is  the  particle  density  (2.68  g  cm-3)  16. Statistical  analysis  was  performed  with  R  3.1.2  Software,  t-test  was  used  to  compare climate  condition  and  its  effects  to  phenology  between  normal  and  El  Niño  years. C.  Litter  fall  collection  and  carbon  content Long-term  monthly  litter  fall  production  was  collected  by  thirteen  litter  traps  with  size  of  1 m-2  during  2009-April  2016.  The  litter  was  dried  at  80oC  and  weighed.  The  data  in  dry  season  (November  to  April  of  the  following  year)  was  extracted  to  calculate  normalized  litter  fall  by  using  the  ratios  between  monthly  litter  falls  to  total  litter  fall  in  dry  season.  Statistical  data  analysis  was  performed  with  R  3.1.2  Software.  Tukey’s  HSD  test  was  performed  to  identify  significant  differences  of  litter  fall  in  each  month.  The  carbon  stock  was  calculated  by  multiplying  the  0.50  conversion  factors  to  biomass  of  litter  fall  17. D.  Carbon  exchange  measurement Carbon  exchanges  above  forest  canopy  were measured  at  10 m  by  using  eddy  covariance  technique.  The  CO2  was  estimated  by  an  open- path  infrared  CO2/H2O  analyzer  (LI-7500,  LI-COR,  Lincoln,  USA). Wind  velocity  and  the  speed  of  sound  were  measured  with  three- dimensional  sonic  anemometer-thermometer  (CSAT3,  Cambell  Scientific,  Inc.).  Data  processing  in  quality  control  and  half-hourly  average  of  NEE  were  analyzed  by  using  EddyPro  software.  Then,  the  outlier  with  the  range  outside  of mean  1.96  standard  deviations  was  excluded  in  post-processing  18.  The  monthly  pattern  of  gross  primary  production  (GPP)  and  ecosystem  respiration  (RE)  was  calculated  by  using  biometric  terms  as Proceedings  of  the  International  Conference  on  Climate  Change,  Biodiversity  and  Ecosystem  Services  for  the 305 Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs):  Policy  and  Practice  27-29  June  2016,  Cha-am,  Phetchaburi,  Thailand

Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand
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