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Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand

Abbreviations: A QUIZ  COMPETITION B LECTURE C PAINTING  COMPETITION D SLOGAN  WRITING E TATTOO  COMPETITION F POWERPOINT  COMPETITION G  NUKKAD  NATAK H RANGOLI  COMPETITION I PUPPEt.  SHOW J NATURE  TRAIL K GREETING  CARD L  AWARENESS  STALL Workshops    To  train  volunteers  for  raising  general  awareness  regarding  habitat  conservation  and  providing  water  and  food  regularly  to  birds.  To  enhance  s tuden t   awar enes s   and  residential  people  of  the  area  to  conserve  the  rapidly  declining  species.  To  bring  the  students  and  local  people  closer  to  nature.  The  children  nowadays  are  more  used  to  watching  TV,  playing  video  games  and  surfing  the  Internet.  than  doing  something  that  is  close  to  the  nature.  The  workshops  help  to  counter  three  trends. Fig.28  Some  of  the  photographs  of  workshops  organized  During  the  last  8  years,  a  total  of  1,600  schools,  1,000  colleges  and  5  universities representing  about  12,000  students  of  higher  secondary,  graduates  and  postgraduates  were  involved  together  with  10,000  local  People.  Programmes  are  also  associated  with  distribution  of  plants  as  mementos  and  books  as  prizes.  Currently,  2,100  plants  and  2,500  of  books  related  to  Biodiversity, Wildlife  and  Environment  have  been  distributed  together  with  the  circulation  of  50,000  items  of  awareness  material.  48 Proceedings  of  the  International  Conference  on  Climate  Change,  Biodiversity  and  Ecosystem  Services  for  the Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs):  Policy  and  Practice  27-29  June  2016,  Cha-am,  Phetchaburi,  Thailand

Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand
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