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Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand

(ANN).  The  supervised  learning  technique,  Bayesian  regularization  back  propagation  was  used  to  training  the  ANN.  The  predictors  from  RegCM4  output  comprises  5  climate  variables  including  precipitation,  atmospheric  pressure,  maximum,  minimum  and  mean  temperature  at  the  ground  surface.  The  predictands  are  four  meteorological  variables  including  precipitation,  maximum,  minimum  and  mean  temperature  from  the  observation  stations  of  Thai  Meteorological  Department.  The  daily  predictors  from  70  grids over  the  Phetchburi  and  Prachuab  Khiri  Khan  river  basins  were  trained  with  each  daily  predictand  from  each  station.  Predictands  from  12  meteorological  stations  were  applied  for  the training  processes.  The  output  from  the  ANN  are  then  gridded  onto  the  5  km  x  5  km  domain using  an  inverse  distance  approach.  The  downscaled  products  cover  two  periods-  a  base line  period,  1970-2005  and  a  future  pro-jeciton  period,  2006-2040.  The  Integrated Water  Resource  Management Framework The  climate  change  impacts  on  watershed  management  are  evaluated  by  using  the Water  Evaluation  and  Planning  model  (WEAP).  The  WEAP-Phetchaburi  model  has  been  configured  to  represent  the  Phetchaburi  and  Prachuab  Khiri  Khan  provinces  in  Thailand,  including  their  primary  river  systems.  The  model  includes  as  inputs,  daily  climate  data  (i.e.  air  temperature,  precipitation,  wind  speed  and  humidity);  soil  type  and  land  use  characteristics,  reservoirs,  diversions,  and  water  demands.  Several  different  datasets  have  been  used  to  configure  the  model,  including  geographical  information  system  (GIS)  digital  data,  which  includes  river  networks,  canal  networks,  reservoir  locations,  land  use,  soil  type,  watershed  boundaries,  digital  elevations,  and  groundwater  well  locations.  The  entire  region  have  been  represented  in  the  model  however,  Fig.3  Schematic  of  the  WEAP-Phetchaburi  model,  with  the  inset  figure,  a  zoom  over  the  eastern  region  of  the  study  domain,  highlighting  the  refined  detail  of  the  model  and  the  location  of  the  Sirindhorn  International  Environmental  Park  and  the  Phetchaburi  water  transmission  project Proceedings  of  the  International  Conference  on  Climate  Change,  Biodiversity  and  Ecosystem  Services  for  the 243 Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs):  Policy  and  Practice  27-29  June  2016,  Cha-am,  Phetchaburi,  Thailand Spatial Domain and characteristics. Model covers the Phetchaburi and Prachuapkhrii Regions, and includes the 31 largest rivers, 17 reservoirs, 11 municipal demands, and 50 sub-basins, of which 20 include irrigation (field crop, perennial, aquaculture, paddy field). The major canals that deliver water to the eastern coast are included.

Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals : Policy and Practice 27-29 June 2016 at the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Cha-am, Phetchaburi, Thailand
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