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ISSN 1880-7682 Volume 18, No. 1 November 2020 and redox conditions of the soil in which the dense pneumatophores grow? Do mud lobsters exist in the inner mangrove zone where A. cucullata thrives and do crabs damage or consume A. cucullata seeds or fruits? Is A. cucullata a candidate species in mangrove restoration schemes where variable salinities are a challenge? Phenological studies on the natural A. cucullata population in Ranong will be useful in determining the season for collecting mature fruits and seeds for raising in the nursery prior to outplanting in the field. Although A. cucullata was one of the species chosen for the mangrove rehabilitation project in Sabah (Baba et al., 2019), and planted in clusters along Sungai Garama (Tangah et al., 2012), its silviculture needs to be studied including nursery and planting techniques, growth and yield, and pests and diseases. ISME/GLOMIS Electronic Journal (ISSN 1880-7682) is published by International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME). Available on-line at Headquarters: c/o Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa, 903-0129 Japan. 8 Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Ms. Charlotte P.W. Wong, Director of Library Services and Chief Librarian at the Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong for her generous and essential support in obtaining the necessary literature. References Aksornkoae, S., Maxwell, G.S., Havanond, S. & Panichsuko, S. 1992. Plants in Mangroves. Chalongrat Co. Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand. Baba, S., Chan, H.T., Kainuma, M., Oshiro, N., Kezuka, M., Kimura, N. & Inoue, T. 2019. Adaptation to climate change through mangrove rehabilitation involving local community participation. ISME-GLOMIS Electronic Journal 17(2): 4-14. Chumkaew, P., Kato, S. & Chantrapromma, K. 2006. Potent cytotoxic rocaglamide derivatives from the fruits of Amoora cucullata. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 54: 1344-1346. DeFilipps, R.A. & Krupnick, G.A. 2018.The medicinal plants of Myanmar. PhytoKeys 102: 1. Giesen, W., Wulfraat, S., Zieren, M. & Scholten, L. 2007. Thespesia populnea. In: Mangrove Guidebook for Southeast Asia. FAO and Wetland International, p. 640-641. Havanond, S. 2000. Effects of mud lobster on mangrove succession. Ph.D. Thesis, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan. IUCN 2017. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN, Gland. Khaopakro, S., Vajrodaya, S., Siripatanadilok, S. & Kermanee, P. 2015. Wood anatomical survey and wood specific gravity of 13 species of Aglaia (Meliaceae) from Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 43: 87-103. Maxwell, G.S. 2015. Gaps in mangrove science. ISME-GLOMIS Electronic Journal 13(5): 18-38. Maxwell, G.S. 2016. Perspectives on mangrove biodiversity in an unstable climate. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development Goals: Policy and Practice, 27-29 June, Cha-Am, Phetchaburi, Thailand. The Sirindhorn International Environmental Park, Phetchaburi, Thailand. p. 70-79. Pancharoen, R., Sommeechai, M., Maelim, S., Suanpaga, W., Srichaichana, J., Barber, P. & Dell, B. 2020. Phenology of urban trees in a tropical urban forest in Thailand. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (In Press). Saenger, P., Ragavan, P., Sheue, C.R., López-Portillo, J., Yong, J.W. & Mageswaran, T. 2019. Mangrove biogeography of the Indo-Pacific. In: Sabkha Ecosystems, 379-400, Springer, Cham. Spalding, M., Kainuma, M. & Collins, L. 2010. World Atlas of Mangroves. A collaborative project of ITTO, ISME, FAO, UNESCO-MAB, UNEP-WCMC and UNU-INWEH. Earthscan, London, UK and Washington, DC, USA. 319 pp.

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