TDA-IME Project Final Report June, 2013 Potential Actions 2: Degradation of Mangrove Habitat EcoQO: Degraded mangroves are restored and mangrove-associated aquatic resources are managed sustainably Action Category Potential Interventions Institutional Arrangements and Governance 100 National level - Strengthen or Create Inter-Agencies multi-sectoral coordinating mechanism that addresses mangrove ecosystem conservation as part of the larger ecosystem based approach to watershed, coastal and ocean governance Local / Community level - Strengthen or Create local Governmental multisectoral coordinating mechanism that addresses mangrove ecosystem conservation as part of the larger ecosystem based approach to watershed, coastal and ocean governance Legal and Policy Reforms Adapt ICM as framework for mangrove/coastal habitat conservation Assure that policies reflect the true (tangible and intangible) values of mangrove ecosystems Make community participation in mangrove ecosystem conservation mandatory Create / Provide legal basis for mangrove stewardship/co-management arrangements Create economics incentive in mangrove protection rehabilitation and management Management measures Land and Sea use zoning (Coastal Marine Special Planning) Enrichment mangrove planting on selected areas Coastal Master Plans are inclusive of mangrove management Effective waste management Implement mangrove management licensing systems Certification scheme for mangrove forest products Enforcement and compliance Adequately resourced enforcement Improve compliance through community engagement
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems
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