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Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems

TDA-IME Project Final Report June, 2013 Potential Actions 2: Degradation of Mangrove Habitat EcoQO: Degraded mangroves are restored and mangrove-associated aquatic resources are managed sustainably Action Category Potential Interventions Institutional Arrangements and Governance 100  National level - Strengthen or Create Inter-Agencies multi-sectoral coordinating mechanism that addresses mangrove ecosystem conservation as part of the larger ecosystem based approach to watershed, coastal and ocean governance  Local / Community level - Strengthen or Create local Governmental multisectoral coordinating mechanism that addresses mangrove ecosystem conservation as part of the larger ecosystem based approach to watershed, coastal and ocean governance  Legal and Policy Reforms  Adapt ICM as framework for mangrove/coastal habitat conservation  Assure that policies reflect the true (tangible and intangible) values of mangrove ecosystems Make community participation in mangrove ecosystem conservation mandatory  Create / Provide legal basis for mangrove stewardship/co-management arrangements  Create economics incentive in mangrove protection rehabilitation and management Management measures  Land and Sea use zoning (Coastal Marine Special Planning)  Enrichment mangrove planting on selected areas  Coastal Master Plans are inclusive of mangrove management  Effective waste management  Implement mangrove management licensing systems  Certification scheme for mangrove forest products Enforcement and compliance  Adequately resourced enforcement  Improve compliance through community engagement

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems
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