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Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems

TDA-IME Project Final Report June, 2013 Potential Actions 3: Research and Knowledge Gaps. EcoQO: Scientific knowledge on mangroves increased and applied to improve the success of mangrove restoration/rehabilitation, protect endangered species, and better understand the impacts of climate change impacts on mangrove ecosystems Action Category Potential Interventions Institutional Arrangements and Governance 101  Make additional budgetary allocations for targeted research on mangrove science, especially the impacts of climate change  Leverage private sector funding for mangrove research  Establish regional network of mangrove researchers network for exchange - mangrove portal  Establish/re-establish National Mangrove Committees Legal and Policy Reforms  Documenting and analysing local knowledge on mangrove management  Integration of scientific knowledge with local knowledge to support community management of mangroves (e.g. co-management of mangroves) Awareness and communication  Package scientifically accurate information to facilitate mangrove management  Collate university/academic research for dissemination including gray literature  Develop an effective dissemination mechanisms for proactive communication  Translate mangrove scientific information into local languages Human Capacity Development  Scientific training in mangrove sciences (e.g. regional programs)  Regional exchange and networking of mangrove researchers  Include relevant mangrove and coastal area management subjects into public administration training  Participatory action research in mangrove monitoring to enhance the capacity of local communities and improve their understanding of ecological integrity

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Indochina Mangrove Ecosystems
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