
Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity

Worldview s and Integra tion Mapping One´s Environment demonstrates how experimental, inquiry based learning supports the understanding of interactions and the functioning of ecosystems. The package contains instructions for both teachers and students for experimental learning. It also includes instructions for air, soil, water testing and for the exploration of organisms. The basics of ecosystem functions and interactional relations are also explained in the package. The goal is for students to obtain information through their own investigations in the local environment, to learn how to ask questions related to the natural environment, and to learn how humans change their environments and impact organisms and their presence in the region. Systemic, critical and innovative thinking is an important part of the learning. The package is implemented in cooperation with WWF, the Nature House Villa Elfvik, Technical and Environment Department of the City of Espoo. An online tool, Nature Gate, was used for natural species identification. The Keinumäki school as a Learning Environment covers everyday practices in school and supports sustainable lifestyles. The learning package aims to support students’ well-being, participation, influence and activities in their own school, at home and in society. The project draws attention to sustainable development in all dimensions of life in order to help individuals adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Other goals of the package are: to promote the social sustainability of a safe, equal and friendly relationship between the formation of interactions and information searches, and the discovery and joy of learning; and to encourage economic and ecological sustainability in everyday life including energy and water reduction, sorting and recycling, reduction of consumption, and secure biodiversity and protection of our natural environment. Cultural sustainability includes human cultural history, traditions and multicultural aspects and issues of fairness and tolerance. The package is implemented in cooperation with energy companies, water departments, environmental and recycling centers, as well as individual households. 100 14 Conclusion A holistic understanding of well-being and sustainable development creates the foundation for a new sustainable model of society. This project has helped to ensure that: - S ustainable development is incorporated in the plans for early childhood education and care of all of Espoo’s operative units of early childhood education as well as the curricula of schools, educational establishments and units of higher education. - S ustainable ways of action are an integral part of everyday life and operational culture of all educational organisations in Espoo. The target is to establish high quality learning that provides learners knowledge, skills, preparedness, values and attitudes needed for understanding and realising sustainable lifestyle. - All daycare centres, schools, educational establishments and units of higher education elaborate their own sustainable development programmes. Construction of the programmes is implemented in cooperation with Espoo’s internal support service providers (catering, management and maintenance of premises). The programme work will be supported by training and guidance. Additional training is organised and supporting material prepared for teachers, trainers, educators and employees working in communication and customer service to increase their capabilities to influence people’s knowledge, skills, values and attitudes related to sustainable development. Overall, awareness of Espoo inhabitants about the different areas of sustainable development (environment, wellbeing, economy and culture) as well as of the possibilities of promoting sustainable development in everyday life, work and leisure-time activities, has increased over time. Production of environmentally-friendly services and products that increase the well-being of inhabitants has also been promoted. Currently, the well-being of people and the environment and respect of cultural values are taken into account in the city planning of Espoo. The target of planning is to achieve safe and socially functional solutions that respect the cultural heritage and safeguard the vitality of local ecosystems.

Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity
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