
Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity

15 5. Incorporation of the ethnic variable in the student enrollment at university level. As a result of this it has been possible to show segregation processes of indigenous students to careers in social sciences and barriers to the enrollment of indigenous to careers of natural sciences, which is important information for the development of policies and programmes. Principal Challenges • Curriculum changes: The main challenge is to maintain a successful strategy of dialogue with teachers and authorities to continue with a process of awareness, allowing for an opening for the introduction of indigenous culture within the content of the dominant curriculum. • Involvement of all faculties and disciplines at university: Expand the dialogue to all academic units of the university under the principle that all disciplines and careers can be enriched with modern knowledge together with indigenous knowledge. Relevance for Programmes and Policies The university is currently developing a process of educational reform. This project can offer valuable lessons and inputs to the definition of policies and university programmes such as: • University curriculum culturally appropriate to the multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual characteristics of our country. • Teaching sensitive to interculturalism, base to build a plural and inclusive university that meets the demands of higher education of indigenous peoples, the right to access to modern, scientific and technological knowledge, as well as to the strengthening the national identity with full recognition of the values and principles of the Mayan culture. References UNHCHR 2008. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews. aspx?NewsID=8393&LangID=E. 107

Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity
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